Zero to twenty two at the speed of
light or sound (whichever one is faster!)
I never really believed it would happen to me, although I
had been warned more times than I care to remember. I would be walking along, or more like
lumbering along, with a baby (or two or three) in tow when someone would
inadvertently stop me and say, “Make sure you enjoy every minute with your
children…they will be grown before you know it.”
Those words never rang more true than last Saturday morning
when I looked up from my morning cup of tea and newspaper (yes, I still read
the paper) as my oldest son lumbered into the kitchen sleepy-eyed, smiling and
looking for some coffee to brew. My
recent college graduate. Where did the
time GO?
Travis was born on a chilly March afternoon as an episode of
the ‘Three Stooges’ blared on the hospital television. He was a bruiser of a guy at 8 pounds and 14
ounces, with a pair of broad shoulders that I couldn’t wrestle into the baby
blue outfit I had packed to take him home in. Instead we wrapped him up tight
in a blanket to strap him in his car seat for our inaugural ride home as a new
family. I can remember thinking the doctors and nurses were reckless to assume
Brian and I had any business taking home a baby, never mind raising one. We
drove away from the hospital like bank robbers following the world’s greatest heist.
We were beaming.
Travis made it easy.
And when his brother and sister were born, they never once suspected that we
were rookies with the whole parenting thing. Or at least they didn’t let on. We
only wanted the best for our family. So
we read to them and spoke to them like they were thirty years old before they
could even sit up by themselves. When we told them what all parents tell their
children, work hard and be nice; they listened to us. When they went to school
and learned not everyone was kind, we told them there were more good people in
the world than bad; they believed us. When we told them to dream big; they
showed us.
On Saturday, I stood back and took a deep breath as family
and friends arrived to celebrate Travis’ graduation. I was hoping for a
Polaroid moment; one that I would never forget. Travis stood tall, proud, and
confident. He is a man who appreciates the simple things in life: a good book,
three square meals a day, spending time with his grandfather and father, having
lunch with his brother, hanging out with friends, a contentious political
conversation, a firm handshake, and a strong cup of black coffee (extra large).
Travis heads off to graduate school in the fall. He has
paved the way for his brother Tyler (a college junior) and sister Mackenzie (a
high school senior). They have carved their own notable paths. I find myself bracing
for another round of college applications and college graduations.
Maybe the doctors and nurses knew something we didn’t. As
much as I hate to admit it, when I see a mom with young ones in tow, I always
say, “Make sure you enjoy every minute with your children…they will be grown
before you know it.” It’s a fair warning
after all.

Lovely story. With a 5mo and a 3yo, I hear this advise often. It's great to hear how the journey can go by so quickly. I plan on enjoying every minute.
You've captured the essence of what every new parent feels, and perhaps will feel one day when their children are grown. What an endearing perspective of how to approach parenting and I particularly love the "Work hard, and be nice" motto. Enjoying the moments and making the memories is what it's all about.