I arrived in this world in the mid-70s,
but I really consider myself a child of the 80s. I am emotionally connected to many different
aspects of the 80s. However, let’s
continue that ride…..let’s see what you remember.
70s: Bellbottoms, Platforms, Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, Lite
Brite (one of my all-time favorite toys ever), Hot Wheels (noisy plastic wheel
and all), Simon, Pudding Pops, Atari (FROGGER!)and Play-Doh (doesn’t the smell bring you right
80s: Smurfs (yes, I thought I would grow up to be Smurfette), Jake
Ryan (no, my son is NOT named after Jake Ryan….really, please believe me, he’s
not), Miami Vice, Culture Club (I STILL love Boy George and if you want to see
me dance, put some classic Karma Chameleon on please), Madonna, Cassettes
(remember how many we pirated albums we made at home off the radio?), Apple Computers (remember the green screen and
DOS commands?), MTV (when they actually played music videos), Pac-Man, Karate
Kid, Alf, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Swatches (I loved my Swatches), Neons (I had
everything neon…..running tights, sunglasses, socks, you name it), and High
Heeled Shoes with anklet socks (probably neon).
90s: Clueless (How cute was Alicia Silverstone?), Saved By The
Bell (Dustin Diamond is NOT a porn star – no way, no how, I don’t believe it), Trapper
Keepers, Macarena, Electric Slide (way before the Cotton Eyed Joe hit town, we
were sliding our way into uber-cooldom), Dunkaroos, Power Puff Girls, Beanie
Babies, Grunge Rock (Poor Kurt Cobain), Rugrats, and Teenaged Mutant Ninja
00s: Harry Potter, Britney Spears, Boy Bands (Who doesn't love Backstreet Boys or N'Sync???), 9/11 (the greatest tragedy of our generation, for sure), Shrek, Lord Of
The Rings, Finding Nemo ("Fish are friends, not food"), Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp, Duran Duran
Somewhere along the way, I reached adult-hood. You know….THAT routine. Go to work.
Kids to school. Grocery
shop. Pay bills. Fix house.
Fix car. Pay more bills. Follow
fashion. Or not. Watch T.V.
Watch the news. Save for old
age. Act your age.

No. In fact, I see absolutely
no good reason to act your age. The
older I get, the less I want to act my age.
What does a 38 year old “act” like anyway? Who sets the rules for society’s “norm” on
With that – I challenge you to act anything but your age
this week. Go skip! Yes, skip, skip, skip to my lou! Find the sidewalk chalk and draw your best
Smurf. Hula hoop! Go to Target and embrace their
neons….buy something for yourself and wear it proudly. Blast your best “Walk Like An Egyptian”, in
your house or better yet, on the street to terrorize your pre-teen
children. Bring out the Simon. Do it. Do it now.
Life is short. We get old because we do stop playing, not because we are too old to play!
Save the vintage age for your cheese, or for your wine……..because
We Are Young.
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