Round and crunchy balls
You are most like me in ways
Countless to mine eyes,
Perhaps not at all to the masses.
I shall share the correlation
Lest you are one that does not see....
Salty in nature, sharp of tongue
That be you always, and me when unchecked.
Round, curled, with no sharp edge
You roll about in the bag and I languidly in my bed.
Cheesy, flakey, leaving yourselves on others
'Tis common to brush you and I both away...but more is wanted, truly!
We stain the lives of others with joy!
We stain the lives of others with lack of control!
We stain the lives of others so to bring such a thirst!
We stain the lives of others with regret to be repeated
and repeated
and repeated
Until the bag doth be empty.

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