Taking my writing turn today is a bit like hopping on stage after Mozart's grand masterpiece, only to bang out a harried and unpracticed rendition of Chopsticks. Thanks a lot Kate, you have created an act impossible to follow.
That said...
If you are not Curvy Girl's friend on Facebook, do so and do it now! Yesterday we posted THIS ARTICLE, which gracefully dissects body image and I think contains a nugget or two that will resonate with everyone.
For me, (seeing as I have already pushed my way through of few of those 12-steps of recovery -- including ditching running, gyms and p90x in favor of more yoga, more walking and more vegetables), it is the following:
3. Community: Careful! Community is not going to a weight-loss group where you “share” food obsessions and tricks to eat less. Bonding over your food and body struggles is safe. It might be hard to find people who want to be alive, not partners in crime, or even awkward to find something other than food, exercise or the scale to discuss. I know from 18 years of dieting that you have to find new interests. Embrace finding new peers as an adventure. In a nurturing group, you’ll find some of the best parts of yourself.
I have found myself, over the past year or two, gravitating away from self-deprecating people who want to complain about their bodies or hate on themselves for overeating -- with little else to say. There was a time when that's exactly who I was surrounded by (and the worst part was telling someone you thought they had a beautiful body only to have them reject what you are saying -- men: is this what we do to you?!?!?!?) and it's no good. It's hard enough to keep your own head above water sometimes, without being responsible for someone else's feeling about their bodies/lives/relationships/selves.
In fact, this desire to lift ourselves up is how this very blog was born. It's what we share, it's how we think. It's why we are here, and why we are so glad you are here. While we dabble in body struggles and dip our toes in recipes that will do your body good, it isn't the point. We want to live, we want to be better and we want to invite you into our hearts while we do it.
Don't forget to hop in line if you are interested in guest blogging -- we have spots available on Mondays and would love to put you in the rotation. Email us, drop us a line on Facebook and stay tuned for info about exciting giveaways and yummy recipes and more emotional breakdowns that we inflict on you like drill sergeants for your soul.
There, I have re-lowered the bar for future postings. Rebecca, you are welcome.
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